Keith Kincaid

I count myself blessed as I have been given many days and many opportunities in my life to use that which my Creator has provided for me to help others. In my humble beginnings, I as a youth, I found myself questioning the way people interacted with one another.  Where was the love, the kindness, the care that we were to express for those created in the same image? As I grew older I began to understand how we have allowed words like love, kindness, care to have different meanings in different situations or different cultural sittings. Early in my journey I challenged myself to define the concepts of love for others, expressing kind in relationships and providing care to individuals in need within the framework of my spiritual walk. This challenged lead me to understand the extreme grace that I had received for all the days I had not loved, shown kindness or care for those at my doorstep. My path changed, my focus changed and my journey had purpose and direction.

Now that I am in my sixties, I reflect often on this fantastic journey and the many paths I am allowed to walk each day. The opportunities I am given each day to care for the spiritual needs of people leave me speechless. But for all that I am allowed to be a part of my heart is aware that there is still a desire for genuine unconditional love in the world. A love for people that can transcends all barriers, belief systems and cultural beliefs. Kindness has not found its place in our relationships with a world in need of a kind spirit. Our desire to care for those who are different is still not as important as our focus on our differences and the desire only to care for ourselves. When does your journey change? When do you choose a different path?  

Love breaks down barriers, kindness opens doors and caring for the daily needs of others changes lives and as lives are changes so goes our world. What an interesting thought that together we can change our world in a way that pleases our Creator. I count my blessings in the simplest ways. I have a Creator who loves me without question. My relationship with my wife has spanned 43 years and counting. I have seen my children become adults and now walk their own journeys and we have the blessings of many grandchildren. I have known health, shelter, food, and education. I have known days of plenty and days of not so much. How can we who have been giving so much not find it within ourselves to reach out and care for those have not known these blessing.

I am encouraged that in the day ahead my path will cross with others who are willing to change in the direction of reflecting the image of the Creator.  Our focus will be one of service to others. And our lives will be changed through touching the needs of the world.
